Back from Mexico, after a hard week's work. A lot of tech problems have taken some of the fun off this week, though the last shows were finally good (we sold out our CDs... again). The Ollin Kan festival ended with a huge jam session lead by Gangbe Brass Band, with everyone on stage... good fun. Then we get back, and Alitalia left our luggage in Paris!
Now I am home, trying to fight jet lag with proper (at last!) coffee.
2 commenti:
Hi!, this is Ricardo Gomez from México and let me say that the show of Fiamma Fumana was exciting and tremendously fantastic.
I went to the Ollin Kan festival and i saw them in live, the technical problems are for everybody and i can say that for the mexican people that stuff is not important, we celebrate the bravery of playing with some little problems, i want to thank them in the name of many people, i saw them too in the tv show "Animal Nocturno" and it was great. Please give them a big hug for the pleasure of their music.
I really hope to see them soon.
Bueno Ricardo, esta es la mejor forma de decirlo que encontrè nunca! "We celebrate the bravery of playing with some little problems"! Que bien!
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