Late late night of the last recording day (save for, er, the occasional bits and pieces - promise, Pete!). It's not very creative work - basically a lot of hard drive housekeeping and backing up. All's been said, the album's great, now Peter has to take care of mixing while we pick a title (new idea: can we get away with a subtitle? Like Manu Chao did, "Clandestino - Esperando la ultima ola", we could have "Prendi l'onda - If you can't ride wave then you're gonna go under". Or could we?), get a photo session and a video and stuff. And we'll blog it all, no fear. After all this, hopefully we all understand more audio than we used to. And that includes Lauro (our banker) Navi and his lyrics, my brother Lorenzo and me, and Jennythestudiodog.

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