My great-grandfather, who was a music lover and whose name was also Alberto Cottica, bought a second hand piano for his daughter, my great-aunt Elsa, circa 1920. Aunt Elsa never managed to play anything. In a very non-musical family, I could lay a serious claim to it (I was the only one who would ever use it) and so the piano ended up with me. Peter really liked its sound: he says it's strangely bright. And no wonder: the sound table is a century old, and its wood has become hard as stone, and just as resonant! So today we drove from Rubiera to Milan to record the piano part of Strade d'appennino in the Improbable studio, aka my living room. Strade came out really well! My late great-grandfather gets the credit for buying good equipment, and his piano finally makes his debut in the show business. But then Peter does not like the sound for my other piano song, Non di sola andata... which makes me a bit nervous. What are we going to use? A Rhodes? A church organ? A guitar? An espresso machine?
After this feat, Peter took a cab and was gone to the airport, Duesseldorf bound. Safe journey, see you next week!
4 commenti:
Huh... I played that piano a lot of times, very long time ago, good sound, very bright... (so, you'll ask: "who have played MY OWN piano?"... just think about it)
Hope to hear it on the new CD very soon.
Hi, Al, see you soon.
Questo sì che è inquietante. "Mark"?
non ti inquietare Alberto, sono Marco (Tedeschi), ricordi???
un abbraccio
Certo... avevo pensato che fossi tu, ma non riesco a ricordare che tu abbia mai suonato il nostro piano. Come stai?
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