We have decided a long time ago to dedicate our album to the memory of Martyn Bennett, scotsman, piper and dj. We believe he is a major artist, whose work has broken a lot of new ground and really gotten the "digital traditional" scene going. He has been such an inspiration for us. We even tried to bring him to Italy in our own festival, New World Beat, in early 2004. At the time Martyn was already very sick; he was not playing pipes or fiddle anymore, he wanted to come to Italy as a dj. In the end he was too much in pain, and had to give it up. He died one year later, aged 34. Check out his website for more information about this great, uplifting artist.
We are trying to honour Martyn's memory, though we cannot give back to him the pleasure and inspiration he has given us. We have asked Real World, the record label which published his last album, to give us a sample of Martyn's voice to use on our album. They have been very supportive, and ultimately got us in touch with a man called Calum Angus at MacTv who did a documentary on Martyn and apparently has just what we need. I can't wait to hear the samples....
Martyn Bennett 1971 - 2005 R.I.P.
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